Emma & Baby Ted's Birth
October 2015
It was during my third pregnancy that I became interested in how hypno birthing could help me to stay calm and focussed during labour. I had done some classes during my second pregnancy but in comparison these were more like pregnancy yoga classes. My due date came and went, I stayed active and relaxed knowing I did not have long to go (though my impatience was ever present to meet my new baby!)
On the Monday morning I woke up with mild twinges, so I called my mum and spent the morning shopping with her and my two children, and they went to stay with her whilst I had a bath and a nap. The surges were coming and going until around 10pm when they stopped. I had used the relaxation CDs most nights and slept really well through my pregnancy, so I used one to relax me off to sleep with no problem! The next day was the same with surges coming and going most of the day, I spent the time cleaning and staying active - walking around IKEA at 830pm to keep on my feet. I had another good nights sleep using the CD.
The next morning was the same, on and off, and all stopped again by 5pm so we collected our two children and we all came home together and I stayed busy playing with them, feeling like I knew this would start things off , as I was more relaxed and happy with my children at home with me. I was right as they were only home an hour and the surges returned, regular and stronger than before. I was wrapping up presents for them to take to a party the next day whilst having surges but nobody could tell as I was so calm and relaxed. By 10pm the surges were coming regularly so I had a bath whilst my husband took the children to his mums. Then we watched some Comedy shows on Tv until we rang the birth centre at around midnight. Unfortunately for me when we reached the birth centre the midwife made some negative comments regarding the size of my bump/baby and positioning and I experienced the surges stopping. This did not surprise me as Charlotte had talked lots about needing to be relaxed and feeling safe for things to progress.
I was advised to go home but whilst I waited for my notes to be written I fell asleep and woke up once again with strong regular surges. I didn't clock watch or time them at any point which is why I can only say "regular" as I just wanted to focus on my breathing and staying calm, happy and upright. When the student Midwife returned to discharge me I said I was staying and to just leave me on my own for a while, within the hour I was examined and found to be 7cm. I then used the pool and it was an amazingly relaxing experience and I am not aware of time after this point. My husband was amazing support during this time as he had learnt so much during our sessions so he could prompt me to breathe when I was going through the transition period and starting to panic. I felt calm and in control until the pushing stages. My breathing changed to the bearing down breathing and I became aware this must mean I was getting closer to delivering. I believe the negative comments about baby's position brought back memories of my first birth which was traumatic - and it was this experience that led me to look into hypno birthing to help me overcome some of these fears and anxieties in the first place. Despite feeling panic during this stage, I did not require any interventions or pain relief and only pushed for five mis before baby was born. When the midwife announced the time as "58 minutes past" I had to ask what hour and I had no idea what time it could be as I felt like I had been in a trance. (Actual time that had passed was approximately 6-7 hours).
Baby was born weighing 8lb 3oz and we enjoyed almost two hours of skin to skin contact before we were disturbed.